Sunday, January 9, 2011

Water, Water, Bells and Whistles

Thanks Leigh Adams for the great plants.
So much rain.
So....we moved in to a great spot in the 'Dena in December and it rained for days on end. We also discovered that our garage was not waterproofed and that it rains harder the closer you get to the mountains.

We persisted with our move, continued our renovations with Mac, but AT&T never arrived Uverse and it would be weeks before we could install our phone, internet or TV. And what do all wired Americans need--INTERNET ACCESS and Television.

It rained all day and all night!

So...we waited and I became very familiar with my BlackBerry. We cancelled Uverse after the weeks of "we are sorry, but our phone lines are down all over the area. New service will have to wait until we can dry out the line." I gave up the idea of Uverse, cancelled the order and went back to regular service. We finally got the line hooked up between December 31 and January 3rd. Still working on getting the service correct, but this is at least a start.

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