Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oops! Accidents Happen.

Often, exhaustion can lead to grave error. Accidents happen. Luckily, no one was injured or hurt. Here's the story. Moving too fast, exhaustion from this grand move, Allah knows best.

The Uhaul truck was loaded and ready to roll. I got in my Honda CRV attempting to back out of the drive way and avoid hitting Rohan's car. Kareem parked under the tree, very close to my car. He never parks his brand new white Volvo under the tree. I backed out and slammed right into the back of his car. So sorry Kareem!

Ouch! Oops. So, needless to say, it is an expensive fix. Needless to say, I am totally embarrassed and won't be able to live this one down. But, no one got hurt. My car suffered some damage, but I bought a car ready made with dents because I knew it would be impossible for me not to dent it. 

So, it's a call to the AAA insurance company, an inconvenience for Kareem and something we don't really need right now. But, Allah always has a plan and a reason. Masha Allah!

Mā šhāʾ Allāh (ما شاء الله) is an Arabic phrase that expresses appreciation, joy, praise or thankfulness for an event or person that was just mentioned. Towards this, it is used as an expression of respect, while at the same time serving as a reminder that all accomplishments are so achieved by the will of God.

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